Spring JDBC Development — Using Spring
1 min readJun 19, 2019
In our first article we started talking about how to write DAOs with the help of Spring. Let’s continue.
Now using Spring JDBC, the code may look like this:
JdbcTemplate is the central class to support work with JDBC from Spring. Using it, we do not have to open/close connections or handle exceptions. The JdbcTemplate is configured into application-context.xml.
With Spring support, the work to be done is much shorter:
- Specify the statement
- Do the work for each iteration
As mentioned, JdbcTemplate is the central class in the package org.springframework.jdbc.core, having as purposes to:
- Execute SQL queries
- Iterate over results
- Catch JDBC exceptions
The necessary parameters when executing an SQL query are:
- The DataSource
- The RowMapper
- The SQL query row
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