Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP
Abstract: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-based protocol that provides a reliable flow of data between two computers. It also provides a point-to-point channel for applications that require reliable communications. The Java programming language supports, through the package, a suitable API for developing client/server applications that use this protocol for communication.
1.The principles of the TCP protocol
The TCP protocol requires the establishment of a session between the client and the server. A session essentially is a mechanism to get some data, so we are setting up a specialized communication session.
TCP behaves so similarly to a conversation on the phone.
- Pick up the phone
- Wait for the dial tone
- Dial the number
- Phone rings
- Pick up the phone
- Say hello
- Start the conversation
- Repeat if you haven’t understood something
A three-way handshake (or TCP handshake) is a method used in a TCP/IP network to create a connection between a local host/client and server. It is a three-step method that requires both the client and server to exchange SYN and ACK (acknowledgment) packets before actual data communication begins.
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